I AM …

When you say I am, what do you say next?

Is it I am … kind and generous?

Is it I am…worthy of being loved and loving?

Is it I am…smart or wise or worthy of others’ attention?

Is it I am…blessed?

Is it I am….joyful and a force for joy in the lives of others?

Is it I am…grateful for all of the goodness in my life?

Is it I am…thankful for this moment in my life?

Is it I am…coming into a time of abundance, of realizing my dreams, of reclaiming my health, of finding love, of getting the job I have wanted.


Is it I am…never going to get out of debt?

Is it I am….doomed to be alone, trapped in this job, sick forever, hopelessly out of shape, always getting the shaft, always going to be in debt.

What do you say after the words: “I am”?

You find discover what you believe about yourself You may be surprised about the beliefs about yourself you have reinforced consciously or unconsciously for years.

There are many ways to detoxify. One of these is to pay attention to what you say, especially about yourself.

Purge your toxic thoughts – – especially about yourself and your life.

Speak positively. It might take some effort and feel uncomfortable.

Love yourself like you love others