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Natural remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an immunodisease in which the body’s immune system attacks the joints within the body causing inflammation, discomfort and pain. As suggested, due to the source of pain being the body’s joints, RA had the capacity to significantly reduce your mobility. Thankfully, there are a few natural remedies that can really help ease the symptoms and provide enormous relief.

Exercise & Stretching

While it may seem counterintuitive to move around a lot when you experience pain in your joints, exercise is actually beneficial for those who suffer from RA. For example, targeted stretches can help ease joint pain by stretching the muscles around the joints; this in turn helps with loosening the joints and making them feel less stiff. By taking a few minutes a day ti do exercises that don’t overly stress your body, you can take some of the pressure off of your joints by strengthening the muscles around them. Cycling, jogging and swimming are really good therapeutic exercises that assist with slowing the development of RA and also taking some of the pressure off of your joints. Consult a physical therapist if you need assistance with finding the right stretches and exercises depending on your area of joint pain and discomfort.

Rest & Relaxation

Getting enough rest and relaxation is always beneficial for our bodies, I’m nearly every aspect of health and well being. The same is true for our joints- adequate rest can help with joint pain but it’s important not to become sedentary. One suggestion to ensure that you’re not stressing your body too much are to spend about 30 minutes a day participating in a relaxing activity. For example, tead a few chapters of a book, meditate for half an hour, take a bubble bath (the hot water could be really soothing for your joints); allow yourself to relax and give your joints a break while also remaining active.

Diet Changes

 Making diet changes can dramatically help with reducing inflammation throughout your body. Since inflamed joints are a large cause of the pain associated with RA, consuming foods that are known to reduce inflammation can also help with the discomfort and pressure of sore joints. Foods such as grains, legumes, beans, fresh fruits, seeds, and nuts all have the ability to positively impact your body’s inflammation response. Studies have shown that foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as fish (tuna, mackerel, trout, etc) actually block the inflammation receptors and therefore help your joints not to be so achey.

CBD oil for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Researchers have recently starting focusing on CBD oil’s effects on several conditions that cause pain, including rheumatoid arthritis. So far, the results are promising.
CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects could also help to slow down or stop the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, which causes permanent damage to your joints over time.
These effects could also reduce several other inflammation-related rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, such as fatigue and fever.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be very uuncomfortable, even debilitating if not treated correctly. By engaging in natural remedies you can drastically reduce the pain and discomfort and still enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle.