Functional Diagnostic Nutrition is the equivalent of having a whole community of medical detectives uncovering evidence helping to explain what it is about your diet, lifestyle, genetics, exposure to toxins, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, drug depletion of essential nutrients, emotional stressors, infections, dysfunction of your body’s physiology, excess or deficiency of brain chemicals, structural imbalances of your body, and more have contributed to your current health complaints and medical diagnoses of illnesses your physicians may have given you.    

This is very different from mainstream, pharmaceutical medicine that is driven by the “one pill for each ill” paradigm. Give a drug or recommend a procedure to address your symptoms. That model, which is the insurance based model that has a strangle hold on your health choices and reimbursements attempts to “cure” one thing that fixes the symptom.

There is an inherent flaw in this way of thinking because it assumes that any health problem has one cause.
However, If the problem, as some research suggests, is due to a lack of serotonin, then many factors can come into play. You need protein and the amino acid tryptophan to make serotonin. You also need folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C and other nutrients to make serotonin. Inflammation in your body can redirect the production of your own body’s serotonin to produce another molecule that does not act like serotonin and does not help resolve the serotonin-based condition you may have.

ADHD may be due to excessive or deficient activity of certain areas of the brain, a spurt of hormones causing imbalances in brain activity, brain chemicals that are lacking, neurotoxins and excititotoxins that distort messages in your brain, impulse control, memory imprinting, and behavioral responses, imbalances of the kinds of fats that affect the construction of every cell membrane in the brain and a resulting distortion of pathways that activate those parts of the brain that are responsible for memory, concentration, focus and impulse control.
More can be added, but I hope that you get the idea. Also, Functional Medicine or Functional Diagnostic Nutrition clinicians/physicians, use properly certified labs of the highest qualification levels to uncover lab information that is used to piece together the puzzle that helps make clear why you are suffering as you are and may have suffered for quite a while.

So, there is lab data from certified labs that is unique to functional medicine, and yet run by respected labs providing results for MDs, DOs, chiropractic physicians, and other licensed medical professional around the world. We tests for evidence that others are not trained to consider, analyze and use to help you.
Please watch this brief video for some comments by one of the foremost, respected Integrative physicians in the world: Dr. Mark Hyman, MD.